Free Consultations Through PRC Affiliates

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Discounted Packages through
PRC Affiliates

Durable Power of Attorney

When travelling, or should you become incapacitated, your financial affairs can be handled by the individual you give a durable POA.

Health Care POA

A health care power of attorney enables you to appoint a trusted person to consult with your doctors and health care providers should you become incapacitated.

Right of Sepulcher

A Right of Sepulcher Designation allows you to appoint the person who will control the disposition of your body.

Final Expense Trust

A final expense trust provides a flexible method to control funds that are to be set aside for funeral, burial and final expenses.

Preneed Contracts

Funeral and burial costs can be controlled with preneed contracts purchased from funeral homes and cemeteries.

Living Will

With a living will, you can direct the medical care you want or do not want, and relieve caregivers of decision-making burdens.

Final Expense Insurance

Final expense insurance can also be used to pay for final expenses, including medical, funeral and burial arrangements.
